
Fusionar cronológicamente en un solo fichero múltiples archivos log de servidores web

Si se disponen de varios ficheros de logs pertenecientes a uno o varios servidores web y se quieren juntar en uno solo respetando el orden cronológico de los registros, se puede hacer uso del siguiente script perteneciente al paquete AWStats. Funciona con el formato de logs de la mayoría de los servidores web.

Uso de “logresolvemerge.pl” para juntar varios ficheros de logs en un único fichero.

# Se debe simplemente indicar la ruta a los ficheros de logs.
perl logresolvemerge.pl /ruta/access1.log /ruta/access1.log /ruta/access1.log > /ruta/access_total.log
# Si se encuentran todos los registros dentro del mismo directorio.
perl logresolvemerge.pl *log > access_total.log
# Se puede jugar con expresiones regulares si estos no se encuentran dentro de un mismo directorio.
perl logresolvemerge.pl /home/nsa/logs_Nginx/nodo_www*/*/*.log > /home/nsa/logs_Nginx/access_total.log
# Allows you to get one unique output log file, sorted on date,
# built from particular sources.
# This tool is part of AWStats log analyzer but can be use
# alone for any other log analyzer.
# See COPYING.TXT file about AWStats GNU General Public License.
# $Revision: 1.43 $ - $Author: manolamancha $ - $Date: 2010/04/30 12:26:56 $
use strict; no strict "refs";
#use diagnostics;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
# Defines
my $UseThread=0;
my $NbOfDNSLookupAsked = 0;
my %threadarray = ();
my %MyDNSTable = ();
my %TmpDNSLookup = ();
#my $UseThread=1;
#my $NbOfDNSLookupAsked : shared = 0;
#my %threadarray : shared = ();
#my %MyDNSTable : shared = ();
#my %TmpDNSLookup : shared = ();
# ---------- Init variables --------
use vars qw/ $REVISION $VERSION /;
$REVISION='$Revision: 1.43 $'; $REVISION =~ /\s(.*)\s/; $REVISION=$1;
$VERSION="1.2 (build $REVISION)";
use vars qw/
$DIR $PROG $Extension
$Debug $ShowSteps $AddFileNum $AddFileName $LastLogNum $PrintFields
$MaxNbOfThread $DNSLookup $DNSCache $DirCgi $DirData $DNSLookupAlreadyDone
$NbOfLinesShowsteps $AFINET $QueueCursor $StopOnFirstEof $IgnoreMissing
# ---------- Init arrays --------
use vars qw/
# ---------- Init hash arrays --------
use vars qw/
%LogFileToDo %linerecord %timerecord %corrupted
%QueueHostsToResolve %QueueRecords
%LogFileToDo = %linerecord = %timerecord = %corrupted = ();
%QueueHostsToResolve = %QueueRecords = ();
# DRA2: the order of timerecords are kept here, each index in the array is the filerecordnumber, which
# DRA2: is used as the key for the other hashes
use vars qw/
@timerecordorder = ();
# ---------- External Program variables ----------
# For gzip compression
my $zcat = 'gzip -cd';
my $zcat_file = '\.gz$';
# For bz2 compression
my $bzcat = 'bzcat';
my $bzcat_file = '\.bz2$';
# Functions
# Function:		Write an error message and exit
# Parameters:	$message
# Input:		None
# Output:		None
# Return:		None
sub error {
	print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
    exit 1;
# Function:		Write a debug message
# Parameters:	$message
# Input:		$Debug
# Output:		None
# Return:		None
sub debug {
	my $level = $_[1] || 1;
	if ($Debug >= $level) { 
		my $debugstring = $_[0];
		print "DEBUG $level - ".localtime(time())." : $debugstring\n";
# Function:		Write a warning message
# Parameters:	$message
# Input:		$Debug
# Output:		None
# Return:		None
sub warning {
	my $messagestring=shift;
	if ($Debug) { debug("$messagestring",1); }
   	print STDERR "$messagestring\n";
# Function:     Return 1 if string contains only ascii chars
# Input:        String
# Return:       0 or 1
sub IsAscii {
	my $string=shift;
	if ($Debug) { debug("IsAscii($string)",5); }
	if ($string =~ /^[\w\+\-\/\\\.%,;:=\"\'&?!\s]+$/) {
		if ($Debug) { debug(" Yes",5); }
		return 1;		# Only alphanum chars (and _) or + - / \ . % , ; : = " ' & ? space \t
	if ($Debug) { debug(" No",5); }
	return 0;
# DRA Function:     Return 1 if DNS lookup should be skipped
# Input:        String
# Return:       0 or 1
sub SkipDNSLookup {
	foreach my $match (@SkipDNSLookupFor) { if ($_[0] =~ /$match/i) { return 1; } }
	0; # Not in @SkipDNSLookupFor
# Function:     Function that wait for DNS lookup (can be threaded)
# Input:        String
# Return:       0 or 1
sub MakeDNSLookup {
	my $ipaddress=shift;
	use Socket; $AFINET=AF_INET;
	my $tid=0;
	if ($Debug) { debug("  ***** Thread id $tid: MakeDNSlookup started (for $ipaddress)",4); }
	my $lookupresult=gethostbyaddr(pack("C4",split(/\./,$ipaddress)),$AFINET);	# This is very slow, may took 20 seconds
	if (! $lookupresult || $lookupresult =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/ || ! IsAscii($lookupresult)) {
	else {
	if ($Debug) { debug("  ***** Thread id $tid: MakeDNSlookup done ($ipaddress resolved into $TmpDNSLookup{$ipaddress})",4); }
	delete $threadarray{$ipaddress};
# Function:     WriteRecordsReadyInQueue
# Input:        -
# Return:       0
sub WriteRecordsReadyInQueue {
	my $logfilechosen=shift;
	if ($Debug) { debug("Check head of queue to write records ready to flush (QueueCursor=$QueueCursor, QueueSize=".(scalar keys %QueueRecords).")",4); }
	while ( $QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor} && ( ($QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor} eq '*') || ($MyDNSTable{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}) || ($TmpDNSLookup{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}) ) ) {
		# $QueueCursor point to a ready record
		if ($QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor} eq '*') {
			if ($Debug) { debug(" First elem in queue is ready. No change on it. We pull it.",4); }
		else {
			if ($MyDNSTable{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}) {
				if ($MyDNSTable{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}} ne '*') {
					if ($Debug) { debug(" First elem in queue has been resolved (found in MyDNSTable $MyDNSTable{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}). We pull it.",4); }
			elsif ($TmpDNSLookup{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}) {
				if ($TmpDNSLookup{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}} ne '*') {
					if ($Debug) { debug(" First elem in queue has been resolved (found in TmpDNSLookup $TmpDNSLookup{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}}). We pull it.",4); }
		# Record is ready, we output it.
		if ($AddFileNum)  { print "$logfilechosen "; }
		if ($AddFileName) { print "$LogFileToDo{$logfilechosen} "; }
		# see if we need to dump fields
		if ($PrintFields && $LastLogNum != $logfilechosen){
			$LastLogNum = $logfilechosen;
		print "$QueueRecords{$QueueCursor}\n";
		delete $QueueRecords{$QueueCursor};
		delete $QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor};
	return 0;
# Function:     Check if thread are enabled or not
# Input:        -
# Return:       -
sub Check_Thread_Use {
	if ($] >= 5.008) {	for (0..@ARGV-1) { if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-dnslookup[:=](\d{1,2})/i) {
		if ($UseThread) {
			if (!eval ('require "threads.pm";')) { &error("Failed to load perl module 'threads' required for multi-threaded DNS lookup".($@?": $@":"")); }
			if (!eval ('require "threads/shared.pm";')) { &error("Failed to load perl module 'threads::shared' required for multi-threaded DNS lookup".($@?": $@":"")); }
		else { &error("Multi-thread is disabled in default version of this script.\nYou must manually edit the file '$0' to comment/uncomment all\nlines marked with 'ENABLETHREAD' string to enable multi-threading"); }
		} }
($DIR=$0) =~ s/([^\/\\]*)$//; ($PROG=$1) =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; $Extension=$1;
# Get parameters (Note: $MaxNbOfThread is already known
my $cpt=1;
for (0..@ARGV-1) {
	if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-/) {
		if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /debug=(\d)/i) { $Debug=$1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /dnscache=/i) { $DNSLookup||=2; $DNSCache=$ARGV[$_]; $DNSCache =~ s/-dnscache=//; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /dnslookup[:=](\d{1,2})/i) { $DNSLookup||=1; $MaxNbOfThread=$1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /dnslookup/i) { $DNSLookup||=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /showsteps/i) { $ShowSteps=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /addfilenum/i) { $AddFileNum=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /addfilename/i) { $AddFileName=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /stoponfirsteof/i) { $StopOnFirstEof=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /printfields/i) { $PrintFields=1; }
		elsif ($ARGV[$_] =~ /ignoremissing/i) { $IgnoreMissing=1; }
		else { print "Unknown argument $ARGV[$_] ignored\n"; }
	else {
		push @ParamFile, $ARGV[$_];
if ($Debug) { $|=1; }
if ($Debug) {
	debug(ucfirst($PROG)." - $VERSION - Perl $^X $]",1);
# Disallow MaxNbOfThread and Perl < 5.8
if ($] < 5.008 && $MaxNbOfThread) {
	error("Multi-threaded DNS lookup is only supported with Perl 5.8 or higher (not $]). Use -dnslookup option instead");
# Warning, there is a memory hole in ActiveState perl version (in delete functions)
if ($^X =~ /activestate/i || $^X =~ /activeperl/i) {
	# TODO Add a warning
if (scalar @ParamFile == 0) {
	print "----- $PROG $VERSION (c) Laurent Destailleur -----\n";
	print "$PROG allows you to get one unique output log file, sorted on date,\n";
	print "built from particular sources:\n";
	print " - It can read several input log files,\n";
	print " - It can read .gz/.bz2 log files,\n";
	print " - It can also makes a fast reverse DNS lookup to replace\n";
	print "   all IP addresses into host names in resulting log file.\n";
	print "$PROG comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It's a free software\n";
	print "distributed with a GNU General Public License (See COPYING.txt file).\n";
	print "$PROG is part of AWStats but can be used alone as a log merger\n";
	print "or resolver before using any other log analyzer.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Usage:\n";
	print "  $PROG.$Extension [options] file\n";
	print "  $PROG.$Extension [options] file1 ... filen\n";
	print "  $PROG.$Extension [options] *.*\n";
	print "  perl $PROG.$Extension [options] *.* > newfile\n";
	print "Options:\n";
	print "  -dnslookup      make a reverse DNS lookup on IP adresses\n";
	print "  -dnslookup=n    same with a n parallel threads instead of serial requests\n";
	print "  -dnscache=file  make DNS lookup from cache file first before network lookup\n";
	print "  -showsteps      print on stderr benchmark information every $NBOFLINESFORBENCHMARK lines\n";
	print "  -addfilenum     if used with several files, file number can be added in first\n";
	print "  -addfilename    if used with several files, file name can be added in first\n";
	print "                  field of output file. This can be used to add a cluster id\n";
	print "                  when log files come from several load balanced computers.\n";
	print "  -stoponfirsteof Stop processing when any logfile reaches end-of-file.\n";
	print "  -printfields    For IIS or W3C logs, prints the latest field header for\n";
	print "                  the currentlog file when switching between log file entries\n";
	print "                  so that the parsercan automatically determine which fields\n";
	print "                  are avaiable.\n";
	print "  -ignoremissing  will not fail if a log file is missing\n";
	print "\n";
	print "This runs $PROG in command line to open one or several\n";
	print "server log files to merge them (sorted on date) and/or to make a reverse\n";
	print "DNS lookup (if asked). The result log file is sent on standard output.\n";
	print "Note: $PROG is not a 'sort' tool to sort one file. It's a\n";
	print "software able to output sorted log records (with a reverse DNS lookup\n";
	print "included or not) even if log records are dispatched in several files.\n";
	print "Each of thoose files must be already independently sorted itself\n";
	print "(but that is the case in all web server log files). So you can use it\n";
	print "for load balanced log files or to group several old log files.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Don't forget that the main goal of logresolvemerge is to send log records to\n";
	print "a log analyzer in a sorted order without merging files on disk (NO NEED\n";
	print "OF DISK SPACE AT ALL) and without loading files into memory (NO NEED\n";
	print "OF MORE MEMORY). Choose of output records is done on the fly.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "So logresolvemerge is particularly usefull when you want to output several\n";
	print "and/or large log files in a fast process, with no use of disk or\n";
	print "more memory, and in a chronological order through a pipe (to be used by a log\n";
	print "analyzer).\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Note: If input records are not 'exactly' sorted but 'nearly' sorted (this\n";
	print "occurs with heavy servers), this is not a problem, the output will also\n";
	print "be 'nearly' sorted but a few log analyzers (like AWStats) knowns how to deal\n";
	print "with such logs.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "WARNING: If log files are old MAC text files (lines ended with CR char), you\n";
	print "can't run this tool on Win or Unix platforms.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "WARNING: Because of memory holes in ActiveState Perl version, use another\n";
	print "Perl interpreter if you need to process large log files.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Now supports/detects:\n";
	print "  Automatic detection of log format\n";
	print "  Files can be .gz/.bz2 files if zcat/bzcat tools are available in PATH.\n";
	print "  Multithreaded reverse DNS lookup (several parallel requests) with Perl 5.8+.\n";
	print "New versions and FAQ at http://awstats.sourceforge.net\n";
	exit 0;
# Get current time
my $nowtime=time;
my ($nowsec,$nowmin,$nowhour,$nowday,$nowmonth,$nowyear) = localtime($nowtime);
if ($nowyear < 100) { $nowyear+=2000; } else { $nowyear+=1900; }
my $nowsmallyear=$nowyear;$nowsmallyear =~ s/^..//;
if (++$nowmonth < 10) { $nowmonth = "0$nowmonth"; }
if ($nowday < 10) { $nowday = "0$nowday"; }
if ($nowhour < 10) { $nowhour = "0$nowhour"; }
if ($nowmin < 10) { $nowmin = "0$nowmin"; }
if ($nowsec < 10) { $nowsec = "0$nowsec"; }
# Get tomorrow time (will be used to discard some record with corrupted date (future date))
my ($tomorrowsec,$tomorrowmin,$tomorrowhour,$tomorrowday,$tomorrowmonth,$tomorrowyear) = localtime($nowtime+86400);
if ($tomorrowyear < 100) { $tomorrowyear+=2000; } else { $tomorrowyear+=1900; }
my $tomorrowsmallyear=$tomorrowyear;$tomorrowsmallyear =~ s/^..//;
if (++$tomorrowmonth < 10) { $tomorrowmonth = "0$tomorrowmonth"; }
if ($tomorrowday < 10) { $tomorrowday = "0$tomorrowday"; }
if ($tomorrowhour < 10) { $tomorrowhour = "0$tomorrowhour"; }
if ($tomorrowmin < 10) { $tomorrowmin = "0$tomorrowmin"; }
if ($tomorrowsec < 10) { $tomorrowsec = "0$tomorrowsec"; }
my $timetomorrow=$tomorrowyear.$tomorrowmonth.$tomorrowday.$tomorrowhour.$tomorrowmin.$tomorrowsec;	
# Init other parameters
if ($ENV{"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"}) { $DirCgi=''; }
if ($DirCgi && !($DirCgi =~ /\/$/) && !($DirCgi =~ /\\$/)) { $DirCgi .= '/'; }
if (! $DirData || $DirData eq '.') { $DirData=$DIR; }	# If not defined or choosed to "." value then DirData is current dir
if (! $DirData)  { $DirData='.'; }						# If current dir not defined then we put it to "."
$DirData =~ s/\/$//;
#my %monthlib =  ( "01","$Message[60]","02","$Message[61]","03","$Message[62]","04","$Message[63]","05","$Message[64]","06","$Message[65]","07","$Message[66]","08","$Message[67]","09","$Message[68]","10","$Message[69]","11","$Message[70]","12","$Message[71]" );
# monthnum must be in english because it's used to translate log date in apache log files which are always in english
my %monthnum =  ( "Jan","01","jan","01","Feb","02","feb","02","Mar","03","mar","03","Apr","04","apr","04","May","05","may","05","Jun","06","jun","06","Jul","07","jul","07","Aug","08","aug","08","Sep","09","sep","09","Oct","10","oct","10","Nov","11","nov","11","Dec","12","dec","12" );
if ($DNSCache) {
	if ($Debug) { debug("Load DNS Cache file $DNSCache",2); }
	open(CACHE, "<$DNSCache") or error("Can't open cache file $DNSCache");
	while (<CACHE>) {
		my ($time, $ip, $name) = split;
        if ($ip && $name) {
            $name="$ip" if $name eq '*';
	close CACHE;
my $NbOfLinesRead=0;
my $NbOfLinesParsed=0;
my $logfilechosen=0;
my $starttime=time();
# Define the LogFileToDo list
foreach my $key (0..(@ParamFile-1)) {
	if ($ParamFile[$key] !~ /\*/ && $ParamFile[$key] !~ /\?/) {
		if ($Debug) { debug("DBG1 Log file $ParamFile[$key] is added to LogFileToDo with number $cpt."); }
		# Check for supported compression 
		if ($ParamFile[$key] =~ /$zcat_file/) {
			if ($Debug) { debug("GZIP compression detected for Log file $ParamFile[$key]."); }
			# Modify the name to include the zcat command
			$ParamFile[$key] = $zcat . ' ' . $ParamFile[$key] . ' |';
		elsif ($ParamFile[$key] =~ /$bzcat_file/) {
			if ($Debug) { debug("BZ2 compression detected for Log file $ParamFile[$key]."); }
			# Modify the name to include the bzcat command
			$ParamFile[$key] = $bzcat . ' ' . $ParamFile[$key] . ' |';
    else {
        my $DirFile=$ParamFile[$key]; $DirFile =~ s/([^\/\\]*)$//;
        $ParamFile[$key] = $1;
        if ($DirFile eq '') { $DirFile = '.'; }
        $ParamFile[$key] =~ s/\./\\\./g;
        $ParamFile[$key] =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
        $ParamFile[$key] =~ s/\?/\./g;
        if ($Debug) { debug("Search for file \"$ParamFile[$key]\" into \"$DirFile\""); }
        my @filearray = sort readdir DIR;
        close DIR;
        foreach my $i (0..$#filearray) {
            if ("$filearray[$i]" =~ /^$ParamFile[$key]$/ && "$filearray[$i]" ne "." && "$filearray[$i]" ne "..") {
                if ($Debug) { debug("DBG2 Log file $filearray[$i] is added to LogFileToDo with number $cpt."); }
                # Check for supported compression
                if ($filearray[$i] =~ /$zcat_file/) {
                    if ($Debug) { debug("GZIP compression detected for Log file $filearray[$i]."); }
                    # Modify the name to include the zcat command
                    $LogFileToDo{$cpt}=$zcat . ' ' . "$DirFile/$filearray[$i]" . ' |';
                elsif ($filearray[$i] =~ /$bzcat_file/) {
                    if ($Debug) { debug("BZ2 compression detected for Log file $filearray[$i]."); }
                    # Modify the name to include the bzcat command
                    $LogFileToDo{$cpt}=$bzcat . ' ' . "$DirFile/$filearray[$i]" . ' |';
                else {
# If no files to process
if (scalar keys %LogFileToDo == 0) {
	error("No input log file found");
# Open all log files
if ($Debug) { debug("Start of processing ".(scalar keys %LogFileToDo)." log file(s), $MaxNbOfThread threads max"); }
foreach my $logfilenb (keys %LogFileToDo) {
	if ($Debug) { debug("Open log file number $logfilenb: \"$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}\""); }
	if ($IgnoreMissing){
		if (!open("LOG$logfilenb","$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}")){
			debug("Couldn't open log file \"$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}\" : $!");
			delete $LogFileToDo{$logfilenb};
		open("LOG$logfilenb","$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}") || error("Couldn't open log file \"$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}\" : $!");
	binmode "LOG$logfilenb";	# To avoid pb of corrupted text log files with binary chars.
STOPONFIRSTEOF: while (1 == 1)
	# BEGIN Read new record
	# For each log file if logfilechosen is 0
	# If not, we go directly to log file instead of iterating over all keys for a match
    my @readlist;
	if($logfilechosen == 0) {
	    @readlist = keys %LogFileToDo;
	} else {
	    @readlist = ($logfilechosen);
	foreach my $logfilenb (@readlist)
		if ($Debug) { debug("Search next record in file number $logfilenb",3); }
		# Read chosen log file until we found a record with good date or reaching end of file
		while (1 == 1) {
			my $LOG="LOG$logfilenb";
			$_=<$LOG>;	# Read new line
			if (! $_) 
			{							# No more records in log file number $logfilenb
				if ($Debug) { debug(" No more records in file number $logfilenb",2); }
				delete $LogFileToDo{$logfilenb};
				if ($StopOnFirstEof) 
					if ($Debug) { debug("Exiting loop due to EOF of logfile $logfilenb",1); }
			# Get the latest Fields header for printing IIS and W3C logs
			if ($PrintFields && $_ =~ m/#Fields:/){
				my $field = $_;
				# strip whitespace
				$field =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
				if (!$Fields[$logfilenb] || $field != $Fields[$logfilenb]){
					$Fields[$logfilenb] = $field;
					debug("Found new fields in $logfilenb: $Fields[$logfilenb]");
			chomp $_; s/\r$//;
			if (/^#/) { next; }									# Ignore comment lines (ISS writes such comments)
			if (/^!!/) { next; }								# Ignore comment lines (Webstar writes such comments)
			if (/^$/) { next; }									# Ignore blank lines (With ISS: happens sometimes, with Apache: possible when editing log file)
			# Check filters
			# Split YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
			#    or DD/Month/YYYY:HH:MM:SS
			#    or MM/DD/YY\tHH:MM:SS
			#    or 9999.999
 			#    or Month DD HH:MM:SS
			my $year=0; my $month=0; my $day=0; my $hour=0; my $minute=0; my $second=0;
			if ($_ =~ /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) { $year=$1; $month=$2; $day=$3; $hour=$4; $minute=$5; $second=$6; }
			elsif ($_ =~ /\[(\d?\d)[\/:\s](\w+)[\/:\s](\d\d\d\d)[\/:\s](\d\d)[\/:\s](\d\d)[\/:\s](\d\d) /) { $year=$3; $month=$2; $day=$1; $hour=$4; $minute=$5; $second=$6; }
			elsif ($_ =~ /\w+ (\w+) {1,2}(\d?\d) (\d\d)[\/:\s](\d\d)[\/:\s](\d\d) (\d\d\d\d)/) { $year=$6; $month=$1; $day=$2; $hour=$3; $minute=$4; $second=$5; }
			elsif ($_ =~ /^(\d\d\d\d+\.\d\d\d) /)
				my $timetime = strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%T', gmtime($1));
				$timetime =~ /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/;
				$year=$1; $month=$2; $day=$3; $hour=$4; $minute=$5; $second=$6;
 			elsif ($_ =~ /(\w+)\s\s?(\d?\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) /) {	# Month DD HH:MM:SS
 				$month=$1; $day=$2; $hour=$3; $minute=$4; $second=$5;
 				if (($monthnum{$month}>$monthnum{$nowmonth}) || ($monthnum{$month}==$monthnum{$nowmonth} &&  $day>$nowday)) {
                else { $year=$nowyear; }
			if (length $day == 1) { $day = "0".$day; }
			if ($monthnum{$month}) { $month=$monthnum{$month}; }	# Change lib month in num month if necessary
			# Create $timerecord like YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
			if ($timerecord{$logfilenb}<10000000000000) {
				if ($Debug) { debug(" This record is corrupted (no date found)",3); }
			if ($Debug) { debug(" This is next record for file $logfilenb : timerecord=$timerecord{$logfilenb}",3); }
			# Sort and insert into timerecordorder, oldest at end/back of array
			# At the beginning, timerecordorder is empty. Then beceause the first pass is
			# a loop on each file to read each first line, the timerecordorder size is
			# number of input files.
			# After, each new loop, read only one new line, so timerecordorder size increase
			# by one but decrease just after by the pop command later.
			my $inserted=0;
			for(my $c=$#timerecordorder; $c>=0 ; $c--) {
			    if($timerecord{$logfilenb} <= $timerecord{$timerecordorder[$c]})
    				# Is older or equal than index at $c, add after
				    $timerecordorder[$c + 1]=$logfilenb;
				    $inserted = 1;
			    } else {
				    $timerecordorder[$c + 1]=$timerecordorder[$c];
			if(! $inserted) {
			    $timerecordorder[0] = $logfilenb;
	# END Read new lines for each log file. After this, following var are filled
	# $timerecord{$logfilenb}
	# @timerecordorder array
	# We choose which record of which log file to process
	if ($Debug) { debug("Choose which record of which log file to process",3); }
	if(!defined($logfilechosen)) { last; }              # No more record to process 
	# Record is chosen
	if ($Debug) { debug(" We choosed to qualify record of file number $logfilechosen",3); }
	if ($Debug) { debug("  Record is $linerecord{$logfilechosen}",3); }
	# Record is approved. We found a new line to parse in file number $logfilechosen
	if ($ShowSteps) {
		if ((++$NbOfLinesShowsteps & $NBOFLINESFORBENCHMARK) == 0) {
			my $delay=(time()-$starttime)||1;
			print STDERR "$NbOfLinesParsed lines processed (".(1000*$delay)." ms, ".int($NbOfLinesShowsteps/$delay)." lines/seconds)\n";
	# Do DNS lookup
	my $Host='';
	my $ip=0;
	if ($DNSLookup) {			# DNS lookup is 1 or 2
		if ($linerecord{$logfilechosen} =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) { $ip=4; $Host=$1; }	# IPv4
		elsif ($linerecord{$logfilechosen} =~ /([0-9A-F]*:)/i) { $ip=6; $Host=$1; }						# IPv6
		if ($ip) {
			# Check in static DNS cache file
			if ($MyDNSTable{$Host}) {
				if ($Debug) { debug("  DNS lookup asked for $Host and found in static DNS cache file: $MyDNSTable{$Host}",4); }
			elsif ($DNSLookup==1) {
				# Check in session cache (dynamic DNS cache file + session DNS cache)
				if (! $threadarray{$Host} && ! $TmpDNSLookup{$Host}) {
					if (@SkipDNSLookupFor && &SkipDNSLookup($Host)) {
						if ($Debug) { debug("  No need of reverse DNS lookup for $Host, skipped at user request.",4); }
					else {
						if ($ip == 4) {
							# Create or not a new thread
							if ($MaxNbOfThread) {
								if (! $threadarray{$Host}) {	# No thread already launched for $Host
									while ((scalar keys %threadarray) >= $MaxNbOfThread) {
										if ($Debug) { debug(" $MaxNbOfThread thread running reached, so we wait",4); }
										sleep 1;
									$threadarray{$Host}=1;		# Semaphore to tell thread for $Host is active
#									my $t = new Thread \&MakeDNSLookup, $Host;
									my $t = threads->create(sub { MakeDNSLookup($Host) });
									if (! $t) { error("Failed to create new thread"); }
									if ($Debug) { debug(" Reverse DNS lookup for $Host queued in thread ".$t->tid,4); }
									$t->detach();	# We don't need to keep return code
								else {
									if ($Debug) { debug(" Reverse DNS lookup for $Host already queued in a thread"); }
								# Here, this is the only way, $TmpDNSLookup{$Host} can be not defined
							} else {
								if ($Debug) { debug("  Reverse DNS lookup for $Host done: $TmpDNSLookup{$Host}",4); }
						elsif ($ip == 6) {
							if ($Debug) { debug("  Reverse DNS lookup for $Host not available for IPv6",4); }
				} else {
					if ($Debug) { debug("  Reverse DNS lookup already queued or done for $Host: $TmpDNSLookup{$Host}",4); }
			else {
				if ($Debug) { debug("  DNS lookup by static DNS cache file asked for $Host but not found.",4); }
		else {
			if ($Debug) { debug("  DNS lookup asked for $Host but this is not an IP address.",4); }
	else {
		if ($linerecord{$logfilechosen} =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) { $ip=4; $Host=$1; }	# IPv4
		elsif ($linerecord{$logfilechosen} =~ /([0-9A-F]*:)/i) { $ip=6; $Host=$1; }						# IPv6
		if ($Debug) { debug("  No DNS lookup asked.",4); }
	# Put record in record queue
	if ($Debug) { debug("Add record $NbOfLinesParsed in record queue (with host to resolve = ".($Host?$Host:'*').")",4); }
	# Put record in host queue
	# If there is a host to resolve, we add line to queue with value of host to resolve
	# $Host is '' (no ip found) or is ip
	if ($DNSLookup==0) {
	if ($DNSLookup==1) { 
	if ($DNSLookup==2) {
	# Print all records in head of queue that are ready
}	# End of processing new record. Loop on next one.
if ($Debug) { debug("End of processing log file(s)"); }
# Close all log files
foreach my $logfilenb (keys %LogFileToDo) {
	if ($Debug) { debug("Close log file number $logfilenb"); }
	close("LOG$logfilenb") || error("Command for pipe '$LogFileToDo{$logfilenb}' failed");
while ( $QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor} && $QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor} ne '*' && ! $MyDNSTable{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}} && ! $TmpDNSLookup{$QueueHostsToResolve{$QueueCursor}} ) {
	sleep 1;
	# Print all records in head of queue that are ready
# Waiting queue is empty
if ($MaxNbOfThread) {
	foreach my $t (threads->list()) {
		if ($Debug) { debug("Join thread $t"); }
# DNSLookup warning
if ($DNSLookup==1 && $DNSLookupAlreadyDone) {
	warning("Warning: $PROG has detected that some host names were already resolved in your logfile $DNSLookupAlreadyDone.\nIf DNS lookup was already made by the logger (web server) in ALL your log files, you should not use -dnslookup option to increase $PROG speed.");
if ($Debug) {
	debug("Total nb of read lines: $NbOfLinesRead");
	debug("Total nb of parsed lines: $NbOfLinesParsed");
	debug("Total nb of DNS lookup asked: $NbOfDNSLookupAsked");
#if ($DNSCache) {
#	open(CACHE, ">$DNSCache") or die;
#	foreach (keys %TmpDNSLookup) {
#		$TmpDNSLookup{$_}="*" if $TmpDNSLookup{$_} eq "ip";
#		print CACHE "0\t$_\t$TmpDNSLookup{$_}\n";
#	}
#	close CACHE;
0;	# Do not remove this line
fusionar_varios_access.log_en_un_solo_fichero.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/25 22:57 by